Lifen Cohorts Consortiums

Lifen Cohorts Consortiums has the ambition to constitute internationally leading patient cohorts in a wide variety of therapeutic areas to meet the needs of clinical research.

Unlocking the potential of health data through artificial intelligence

Lifen Cohorts Consortiums is based on:

A solid experience in the automatic structuring of medical language
Lifen is a major player in e-health in France with nearly 800 establishments using at least one of our solutions.
of documents analyzed by AI and converted into structured data
of predictions per day in real time
automatic detection of patient information on a medical document
A strong commitment to ensure the safety and compliance of projects

Lifen places security and compliance at the heart of its business.

Certified Host
Health Data

A thorough audit confirmed Lifen's compliance with the HDS health data hosting standard.

Complies with

Lifen complies in all respects with the European General Data Protection Regulation.

Respect rights
Of the patients

All projects respect the rights, information and consent mechanisms of patients according to the regulations in force.

Do you want to know more about the projects?

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